Ireneusz Wojciechowski

Not so long ago the scientists have discovered the dark matter. Owing to that discovery it turned out that the universe previously seen as material is not only material anymore. In accordance of the scientists the matter is only 3% of the whole universe, the rest – 97% is ’emptiness’ – the dark matter. That dark matter as energy is not to be seen, but it relates for material things. Human sees the things in material way (it means human can see only 'the material light’).This light creates material world. According to spiritual knowledge there is another state of light- the static light. The static light creates and determines 'material light’; it fills all that ’emptiness’ up. Human does not see the static light, because it is darkness for him, it is kind of the Black Hole. It is very curious that the universe can exist as material in 3% and the immaterial in 97%, but how about people? Are they completely material?

People are the part of the universe and that proportion also referes to them. Human is immaterial in the same percentage. The science does not want to see the things that way, trying to treat the human in the material way in 100%. The truth is completely different. The nervous system contacts human with the spiritual world and the main source of information is the static light! That is why human possesses an AURA. That is 'contact’ with eteric, invisible world, overconsciousness and pure spiritual consciousness. The state of AURA depends on human. Every thought from the inside and each thought from the outside exerts an influence on the state of AURA. Owing to spiritual development being in God’s harmony, human becomes fulfilled. The spirit is life, the spirit activates human in the spiritual way of consciousness.

On a subatomic level the scientists have discovered a new kind of matter. The molecules of that matter move in 'the spiritual way’, they merge in 'the spiritual way’. It means the atoms and the molecules are not completed (half-spinned) and they search for the second half. They act the same way as the matter on macro level. These molecules of that 'the spiritual matter’ are called – fermions. It referes to human who searches for his second half to feel fulfilled and completed. Fermions are charged the same as the outer world, they refer to this outer surroundings and they act as determined by the material rules. The fermions join with pairs to be completed and to become – bozons. The bozon is the completed (full-spinned) molecule.

During the Bible: 'man and woman they will leave their fathers and mothers to become one’. Let’s notice, the fermions must get rid of the outer charge to become one. The scientists try to get the state of fermions separation using strong, an artificial magnetic pole. It forces the fermions to disunite, but although it is such strong the outer power they stay as one. In the spiritual state that power is called – consciousness. Owing to faith that is the inner consciousness, the inner power (even in every atom and each molecule) which drifts to lose the outer pole. If that power is the inner consciousness the outer sorrounding pole starts not to exist.

The fermions having their inner state independent from the outer state – they merge creating an ideal state of existence – bozons. In esoterism such a state is 'hermaphrodite’, it means – man and woman as one exist thanks to the inner power – faith. The new state of matter creates multiple structures where all the bozons exist in the inner power keeping the same vibrations. They are like an ideal superatom.

We can observe the inner power that stems from God`s truth in micro and macro world. This inner consciousness is permanent act of creation from the beginning of the world. The Bible shows the state of the perfect order, harmony that referes to everything; so we can see that only true, deep faith – the inner consciousness gives the power of recognition. This is the recognition of God.

The spiritual healing is to get the state of complete in human`s existence. It is deep harmony between body and soul, it is much more than sending or dispatch of energy. The spiritual cure is touching the spheres of karma, it is touching the problems of human`s identity. That healing is not only body cure, but foremost it is the cure for the spirit. It touches the rudiments of life which are the basis of the spiritual way. It creates proper understanding of all the processes in human`s life and also takes human onto the righteous way – evolution of consciousness.
Being in body you cannot give anything to somebody, because there is nothing to give. Only the existence in harmony of body and soul gives the opportunity to get the inner power and thanks to it one can give something to someone. The spiritual healing is to be in the state of complete. Only the spirit has the power to cure, but in spite of this most of people want to replace the inner state by the body. The spirit must be powered by humility and faith.

There are seven states of spiritual consciousness. Every level has its own order and information. In accordance of the spiritual evolution there must be an order on each level
– that is the way of progress. The common state – consciousness for all the levels is faith and devotion. Most of people think that the evolution is ended ( they see the world only in material way ). When the new kind of transformation is coming they come to grief and finally suffer a defeat and failure. The lowest level of spiritual understanding is the inclination to possess the matter. People are getting stronger in the material world and that is why they are what they have. On the way of the spiritual evolution and comprehension human has to go throughout many changes and many situations. In these acts and experiences he should find the activity of God. There are a lot of things to see, a lot of things to undrestand…
On the spiritual way human has to find the answer in himself.
God made him ready for such an experience!


The spiritual evolution is conscious understanding and practicing God’s truth. If you want to understand that TRUTH you have to get to know God’s logic which is completely different than logic in human’s comprehension. In human’s logic if you want to get rid of something you throw it away. According to God’s truth such way of acting is inappropriate. Nothing can be thrown away and nothing can be estimated or judged. In accordance with that TRUTH the one way is to be in search of new recognition. This way you bound for deeper understanding of this new experience and step by step you leave your past without suffer and pain, without the feeling of loss.

In the spiritual comprehension to fight with the past is completely out of sense, because it ties one up with it. The searching for the past is also a piece of nonsense, because there are no reasons to look for something that exists in the present! The past determines the present! It creates your thoughts, feelings, needs, emotions, mentality and finally personality. Mostly people keep the past alive because of fear. It stems from unawareness of ancestry (forefathers). The reason of the fear is misunderstanding, the lack of recognition and proper vision of the future. Fear destroys and causes some acts of hopelessness (e.g. depression is lack of faith). Fear destroys everything which is the bright stream straight from God; that is why the opposition for fear is faith. Faith gives you aim for life, safety and proper comprehension of God’s truth. Fear and faith exist from the same reason: failure to recognize, ignorance and misunderstanding. We all have to answer the question: why do the people choose the things that cause destruction and damages? Why don’t we choose the things that built rise, faith, and make our progress. It is said: „blessed who did not see, but did believed”.

Faith is to see God in yourself and all around you. Do everything from the inside (from the need of spirit). You can ask: where is the spirit? The spirit alives in calm, safe and mild place, of course that place cannot be found in the material body. You can find that place inside yourself. Only the spirit is able to define the wrong or right, because the spirit is the brightness of the Holy Ghost. The picture of the spirit develops in God.

When we look at the world we live in, we have to realize that bad things do not exist. We call them „bad”, because we do not understand them. The things that cannot be understood we used to call like something „bad”. Searching for the spirit is the experience of searching the God’s truth. The cognition of the right is the main aim for life. Only the spirit can recognize the right, so when we try to find it, our consciousness approaching the place where that spirit lives. The spirit is pure and clear appearance of God in a human being. The power of spirit is God. The only need of the spirit is God. It means: whatever you do – you do it for God.

The spirit is the light of body; the power of the spirit is frequent used in a wrong way (not according to the spiritual development). Who lives in the body – material world – lives far from God. God is creation. God is life. Nothing can live and exist without Him. Whoever gets far from God stops living, stops existing, because nothing can stay alive out of God anyway. A human being means to be completed, but the human suffers from not to be completed. Human’s own free will has the power which unites him with God. That power can lead him to the truth, but also can create illusion, the imaginary world full of sensuality which exists for the body needs only.

Mind creates illusions about unknown places and situations which are completely misunderstood. A human has forgotten that God is even over there, because created it all and the process of creating is still continuing, still living, on and on. Don’t be afraid of what you see in the strange place which you don’t understand. Go there to meet yourself and you will see God in everything and in everyone. You will also see God in yourself. God created everything – if you find it and understand yourself – you will find Him, you will meet God.

In the universe we can observe the activities of two powers. One of them is gravitational power which reacts with material world. It also effects in all the dimensions that matter exists ( even in the dimensions where the matter is very sparse ). Other words the gravitational power acts in and over the matter depended from time – the past, the present, the future. The second power, but in fact the first one is the power of congeneric state of complete. That power exists always and forever being in the state of independence from gravitation, so also independent from time and space. All the existence comes from that POWER. In atomic physics, when the molecules or atoms are out of the gravitational power, they are existing in chaos, because for the science – the power of congeneric state of complete does not exist. If this state is independent from time and space there is no matter in atomic physics comprehension, but the space of the state of complete is extending permanently, because of the transformation of the matter. The outer matter is turning into the inner state. The act of conversion is placed in the black holes. That is why the universe is still extending and accelerating.

The black holes are the kind of borders ( branas ) between the outer state and the inner state. There are millions of branas; strictly speaking there is the same amount of the branas and the Galaxies. All of them are on the surface of the inner state; it is like on the surface of soap-bubble where we can see the play of the difussed light ( dual light ). The matter cannot exist in the inner state being in the outer state where the gravitation is the main power. In the black holes the compression of matter is out of gravitation, but it acts in accordance of the congeneric state of complete which merge in and join with pairs all the atoms ( during the atomic physics they should be in chaos ). The atoms and the molecules from the half-spinned state bound to full-spinned state when the power of complete is getting stronger and when they are under influence of activity of the black hole. In fact, the black hole is not black, but it is not in possession of the electromagnetic field – dual state of light which is the basis of material world.

The atoms extract from the activity of gravitational power, because of the loss of the outer state ; it means they are losing magnetic field and they become to exist in the inner state. The fermions ( half-spinned atoms ) join with pairs to be completed ( full-spinned ) in the inner state and they become bozons. The bozons start to exist in a huge superatom – the black hole and they create a state -condensate of bozons. Such the condesates are staying under influences of further changes, converged by the power of complete. That power is perfection. In the stream of perfect energy, the power of complete stay united with everything. Every atom on macro and micro level is joined with the flow of perfect energy. That is energy of the congeneric state of complete. Human is the complete, but suffers from the lack of complete.

The outer state of fermions ( half-spinned molecules) is created when the inner energy indirectly connected with the Source changes the direction and it is heading outside. It creates the outer state that reacts with matter we can observe. It also referes to human – ego is sensual state of existence. That state removes from the Source , but it cannot be disconnected ( disjoined ) completely, so it comes back as a moving wave and then removes again. This cycle is permanent rotating with huge frequency and it makes gravitational wave which contains gravitons.

Gravitons – the power that keeps the molecules of the matter in the outer state ( in this case it means – material world ). However the inner energy is aiming to merge those atoms and molecules in pairs. If the inner energy is dense and compressed enough it causes desintegration of the outer state. This process is making the creation of a new state of existence, completely independent from gravitation. That new existence will appear in a different reality, without limits which determine material world. It is return to the state of beginning.

The science wants to take control over that state of the atoms and the molecules which are staying tractable to influences and diffusion of the gravitons. The scientists bound to create the new kind of existence without the loss of the outer state, but in the world of the Spirit – it is violation of God`s truth. In the field of scientific investigation to start to exist by the atoms in the different world by the loss of acting gravitons without the loss the primary state of fermions ( during the scientists` research is pure matter ) is precondition. The creation of such a state causes only temporary existence in immaterial world; infinite and unlimited by the time and space. It is possible thanks to act of power that causes the loss of acting gravitons for the atoms. That potential possibility may cause manipulation of the time and space.

In accordance of the spiritual understanding the energy of the gravitons is not the problem to pass into the new state of existence. The main power of acting is consciousness united with faith. It causes the loss of the outer state. And that way the new state of existence is the fact. It is infinite and independent from time and space. The existence powered by the inner energy \”written\” by God in every atom and each molecule of the universe. This state-process takes the act of karma away. It effaces acting of karma, because the outer state becomes not to exist. The process of creating karma is to record all the types of the states of human being on subatomic level. The record contains emotions, thoughts, needs, created illusions which are under influences of karma and inspired by karma. They are still developing owing not to manage with them. Every thought is written in the energy of a subatomic field. Karma can be wiped away only by the inner consciousness ( power of faith ).

Each activity that not stems from the inner power makes an illusion. That illusion is imposed by the thoughts – the form of projection recorded on subatomic level. These records are the kind of power that determines existence of human. In fact the human has no choice – his life may be determined by the records on subatomic field and there will be nothing he would do about it or – his life will be devoted to God and he will be happy with his life. It is very simple, but it is one and only way of choice. In relation to human – the outer charges ( the outer state ) are:

  • Forefathers` laws, claims and their needs
  • Individual choices made not in accordance of God`s rules ( illusions ).

Faith is mild passage, conversion and transformation from death to LIFE.